Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankgiving and such

Well this year was our first Thanksgiving with Presley and we had a great one. We were invited to my grandmas house this year and what a sweet grandma she is, Due to Presley's intolerance issues my diet is VERY limited and my grandma did a great job at accommodating it. I was very appreciative of it! The food was as usual fabulous and the company was great, my great aunt was in town to celebrate with us. And I must throw in the fact that she was more interested  and excited to see Jeremy rather than me! I got the first hug from her and mention so and she said it was because Jeremy got a long one! what the heck! :) We then went to Jeremy's parents house for dessert. I made my first homemade apple pie (well almost all the way homemade, the crust we pre-made) and everyone sure enjoyed it! there was no leftovers! I am already planning on making another one or some turnovers for Jeremy and I to enjoy! I missed being able to see both of my parents on this day but we just cant be everywhere at once and they know that we love and appreciate all they do for us! Let me finish off this post with a few things that I am thankful for... I am thankful for the wonderful caring family and friends that are involved with our lives, I am thankful for a wonderfully devoted husband and our absolutely beautifully perfect in every way daughter. I am grateful for the life that we are able to live and the home that keeps us warm and safe. I hope that everyone took a moment on Thanksgiving to reflect on the good fortune that we have here. Most of all I am thankful for our lord and savior, without him we would not be here!

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