Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend

We had a very busy holiday weekend! Friday night we were the hosts of an adult halloween costume party, which was pretty crazy! Let me just say that being the sober one among 20 something drunk people does not equal a fun time. Although watching drunk people act like total idiots without even knowing it was entertaining it's not so entertaining to see your house be destructed. Our poor carpet was the victim to drunk dancing, luckily the stains seem to have come out nicely. I am not sure that we will be the hosts of another drunk party again.
   I was told that night that we had officially had a party at our house and that we should be proud of it. Let me rewind just a bit and say that I had a lovely chat with a police officer in my driveway, he told me that they had recieved a few calls about the loud music and people in the backyard. He said if he had to return that I would recieve a ticket, so I went back in the house and told everyone that we had to tone things down.
     It was fun this year to dress-up, Jeremy had chosen to be the Mad Hatter so I decided to follow and be the Queen of Hearts. I did both of our make-up and must say that it turned out very good, everyone was tripping out over my lips.
     Saturday Jeremy paid the price of the previous nights fun, so Presley and I drove down to my dads house for their Halloween party. I finally got to meet Colleen's kids (I know kinda sad since they have been married for 5 years now), we had navajo tacos and then there were games for the kids to play. After there we were on our way to my mom's ward party, we visited for a bit then came home. We had no trick-or-treaters come to our door either :(
     Sunday we had birthday parties for Alyssa and Jordan, and visited with Jeremy's family. All in all it was a great holiday weekend, And Presleys 1st Halloween!
Our Lil Stinker
Mad Hatter & Queen of Hearts

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