Monday, October 18, 2010

4-month Well Child Exam

3 shots :(
Today was Presley's 4 month check-up, and we all know what that means... MORE SHOTS :( Jeremy wasn't able to come with me this time, but thats alright since last time I was the one that had to stand and comfort her while they gave her the shots.(He can't stand to see Presley hurt, like I can??? Well someone has to be the brave one!) Anyways she is doing remarkable! She now weighs 13lbs. 9oz. (49th percentile) and measured 24in. long (40th percentile) I had so many questions for her pediatrician, which by the way, we love love love her! She gave us the ok to try rice cereal whenever we would like to. And good news in my diet, I am able to try putting soy back in as long as Presley is ok with it :P
beautiful baby
Presley also has learned the fine art of rolling and thinks that she is pretty neat in doing so! Sometimes she can't get back to her back and she looks like a beached seal, hahaha! She is such an amazingly happy baby.

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