Monday, October 4, 2010

Nebo Loop Ride

 The gang: Myself, Jeremy, Cary, Trish, Kelly, Gloria, & Jerry 

Sunday Jeremy and I went out for a motorcycle ride thanks to his brother Josh and girlfriend Leslie. They watched Presley for us and allowed us to use Josh's bike so that we could go on the ride with Jeremy's Parents, Aunt and Uncle, and cousin. We took the back roads for more of a scenic ride, the mountains were very pretty with all of the trees changing to the beautiful fall colors. I have to say that I am not a fan of riding on bikes though :( the seats are not too comfy and I found myself shifting around alot due to the fact that my butt was sore! We came home very exhausted since we had to battle some wind (I found myslef holding my helmet alot because it was too big to begin with and the wind was so strong that it kept shifting around) All and all it was a good time, and I enjoyed spending time with Jeremy.

Nebo Loop
Nebo Loop

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