Monday, October 11, 2010


Over the weekend I had a very funny converation with my niece that is in 2nd grade. I was sitting in my in-laws van feeding Presley. Mykenzei got in the van and I was asking her about school, she then told me that I could feed Presley in her carseat. I told her that I couldnt because Presley doesnt eat from a bottle. At this point you could see the wheels turning in her head, she then said that maybe she drank from a cup. I was unsure what to say so I decided to plead the 5th and just looked at her and smiled. She then asked me if Jeremy knew how Presley ate and I told her yes. A minute later my mother-in-law came to the van and Mykenzei asked if grandma knew and I told her yes. When she got in the van she started to expain to Mykenzei that Presley ate from my boobies (hahaha) still looking confussed I decided to tell her that Presley eats like baby cows and other animals ate from their mommies. That seemed to make sense to her, she then asked if Papa knew. She said that she wasnt going to tell her mom though, when we told her that she knew as well she seemd so shocked that everyone knew how Presley ate! When we got back with the rest of the family we told her mom that she had just learned how Presley ate. Mykenzei looked at her mom and said that she should do that with Kasen. She then told us that when she has a baby she isnt going to do that, she is going to give them a bottle. A few minutes later she decides to add "thats gross anyways!" The things kids say sometimes is hilarious!
           On a side note towards the end of last week Presley learned how to make spit bubbles and has now made this her favorite pasttime, grandma was able to snap a picture of her this morning in the act. How I love this beautiful child!

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