Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Eve

Usually New years eve at our house we have friends and family over to play games, chat, eat food, and enjoy one anothers company. This year was no different. The only difference this year was the fact that it was very quiet. Usually there is alcohol involved. But this year we made punch [not spiked either] I guess this means that we are growing up, which is not a bad thing whatsoever. We had our good friends Derek and Randi and their little boy over. Jeremy's brother and his girlfriend and their 4 kids and Jeremy's parents. We played wii and enjoyed the company.
     I have never been one to make a new years resolution so I think that I will stick with tradition and make no such thing this year. I  believe in living life day to day and taking nothing or no one for granted. I will do my best to remain a good wife, mother, friend and boss. So here is to a wonderful and happy New Year to 2011. May it bring everything that you are looking for!

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