Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

Today is St. Patty's day and as is custom we all put on our green so we didnt get pinched!

I love getting Presley all dolled up! it's one of the fun things about having alittle girl. Jeremy took the day off work to spend time with us since we dont get to see each other alot lately. Today Presley had her 9 month well check and is doing great! she is almost 17 pounds and is in the 17th percentile for weight, is 26 1/2 inches long, 19th percentile for height and her head is 16.6 inches, 40th percentile. Her Pedi said that she looks great. And some really BIG news here! I have been given the go ahead to start trying to introduce dairy into both of our diets! (fingers crossed that this goes over FANTASTIC). After her appointment we went and had lunch with Jeremy's mom at her work, and of coarse to show off our cute little thing!

In other news, I called to talk with my mom today and found out some horrible news. My step brother who is 12 was hit by a truck today on his way to school and was flown to Primary Childrens Hospital in critical condition. He has alot wrong at the moment...Broken arm, broken collar bone, broken pelvis, Broken ribs, fractured three vertebra, liver is 90% damaged, spleen is really messed up and bruised lungs.Hes on a respirator as well and last I talked to my mom he was undergoing a blood transfusion. I hope and pray that he will be alright! to read about the incident click here.

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