Friday, March 11, 2011

How time flies

Here in 6 days Presley will be 9 months old, I can't believe how fast time goes by after having a baby! She is growing and developing so fast, She is a super fast crawler now and has moved on to pulling herself up on lots of stationary things and some not so stationary things (such as Mollie) She loves to pull up on mom and dad. I think she knows that we are there to help her not fall so she prefers to use us to help her :)
 Yesturday while I was getting things together to take her to grandmas for the day I had her downstairs playing with her toys, I looked down to check on her and guess where the little stinker was??? She was on the first stair! She thought that she was pretty neat stuff to I must say! I love seeing her learn new things but at the same time it makes me a bit sad knowing that she wont be little forever. I just try to enjoy every minute I have with her and take lots of pictures to remember it all.

This pic was taken before she tried crawling up the stairs

This is how I found her awhile later in the morning

Jeremy had Presley in the evening after work since I was working a mid, She found some of her books on the table and knocked them off so she could read them. Below is a picture Jeremy took of her talking to the book and having a great time.
So Sweet!

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