Thursday, April 14, 2011

I just happened to stumble upon a new blog the other day, I was looking at who my followers followed and tada! I have found this blog to be very inspirational, although there is lots of sadness to it, I think that this family has amazing strength! turns out they lost their princess to SIDS when she was only 4 months old :( It has really made me make sure that I spend every chance I can with Presley and to make sure that I tell her throughout each and every day just how much her mommy and daddy love her. Life is a strange and wonderful thing and you never know what will happen.
    Hold your loved ones close and tell them how you feel, you never know what will happen. I had a hard time sleeping last night though because although I have thought about SIDS alot before, after reading her blog somehow it made it more real [crazy since i dont know this person personally] I kept waking up to make sure that I could still hear her breathing through the monitor and when I couldn't I would go in her room to make sure. My heart aches for that family, I wish that no one had to go through putting their baby to rest, it's just NOT fair!

   So I thank this woman for sharing her grief with total strangers and making everyone more aware that things happen that are out of our control, but the one thing we do have control over is making sure that our loved ones know how much they mean to us.
Our beautiful Presley, We Love you SO much!

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