Monday, April 25, 2011


Yesterday was Easter, this year it was pretty low-key, usually we go from here to there to everywhere to see all the family, but this year my dad's parents were supposed to be gone on a cruise [grandpa Burke's eye injury changed that plan] so there were no plans with that side. My dad and Colleen came over on Saturday to visit and give Presley her Easter gift from them (a cute little spring dress and a lamb) My mom didn't set anything up for Easter either. And Jeremy's family didn't do the usual this year since all her grand kids weren't going to be there.
   So we woke up and I fixed a little Easter breakfast for us, we had orange rolls, eggs, and sausage. Presley has become quite the picky little eater as of lately and is not a fan of eggs currently. She does this silly thing where she will let you put it in her mouth but if she doesn't like it she will continue to stick out her tongue like a dog until it falls off. So the rest of the afternoon we did nothing [well I should say Jeremy did nothing, I on the other hand got busy in the kitchen and prepared 2 weeks of lunch and dinner for Presley.]

       My mom called later and invited us over for dinner, it was yummy! Thanks Mom and Don for having us over, they also got Presley a little gift, they got her a cute summer outfit and a cute peter rabbit cookie with her name on it. After dinner my grandparents came over for strawberry shortcake. Then we went over to Jeremy's parents to have a little Easter egg hunt

Oh I almost forgot, the Easter Bunny came to our house this year! Presley got some good stuff, She loves books and the Easter bunny must have known! She loved how the eggs made noise when she would shake them (money inside) and loved to pull the grass apart all over the house. It was a good weekend! Jeremy had a blast at the dunes, after all that is a yearly tradition for him to go to the dunes Easter weekend with all the crazies! he always comes home beat out from partying it up all night! But I am glad that he has something to look forward to that he loves to do, and it helps keep him out of trouble (at least as far as I know.) So there you go, a quick look at our 1st Easter with Presley.

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