Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's been awhile

Where has the time gone? It seems like I have been slacking in the update department to here we go 1 month all in one post. Lets see last post was all about Easter so since then we have celebrated a few things. My birthday was the end of April, we went out to dinner as a little family, the usual meal is ALWAYS Red Lobster, but I wasn't feeling it this year so we ended up at Training Table  (due to the absence of dairy for so long). It was a nice night. Then we had Mothers day which turned out to be quite the rainy day (as if we haven't had enough of this wet stuff!) This was my 1st real mothers day too. I took myself out shopping for a new spring dress, which I have been unable to wear just yet. Then we had Jeremy's birthday to celebrate, he wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner so again our little family went out to eat, we had a nice time. I also made his birthday cake, I was practicing for Presley's cake. I made a white cake with raspberry filling and covered it in fondant. I had to think of some sort of theme or design for it and came up with a green bay packers cake, the colors weren't true green bay colors but hey it was my first time and I think it turned out pretty good for never having working with fondant before. Hopefully Presley's cake will turn out just like I want it too!

don't mind the lumpiness!

I had 2 days off in a row so on Friday I took Presley to the rec center and she had her first encounter with the pool. She loved it! we went with my friend and her 2 little ones. The rec center has an awesome kiddie pool area and Presley was crawling all over the place! She loved being able to make big splashes too. This is for sure something that I want to make sure I do alot with her this summer!

 We also went to one of our favorite car shows this past Saturday (the weather was actually nice for a change) Jeremy went early with his bro and 2 friends and Presley and I went later on with my friend and her little boy. Presley loves to be outside and had fun playing both on the grass and on her blanket. My dad and Colleen came and visited with us for a bit too. After the car show later that night we had a BBQ at my sister-in-laws home so all in all my one Saturday off in a long time was very fun!! oh and in Presley news, pretty sure that she TRIED to take a SIDE STEP! This makes me sad and happy at the same time! She is growing up so fast and I want her to stay little forever. Presley has become a very efficient furniture walker. Case in point below....
she rounded the corner by the lamp to get what she wanted
here she comes with her prize
all that work for my BC pills

    On a side note my mom had to go in for a minor surgery last Thursday, they thought that she had a blockage in her heart and that that's what was causing her chest pain and low heart rate (40) so they went in and checked and all is clear, they now believe that it was her medicine that was doing it so they took her off and will check her in a month to see. I sure hope that that was the problem. My mom has endured so much bad health that she deserves to be healthy for the rest of her life, I love her so much and appreciate that she watches Presley for us while we work, without her we would be in big time trouble! So a BIG THANKS to you mom! we love you so much!

     So for now there is our life for the month, lots of exciting stuff is to come with her birthday right around the corner and all the summer fun that I hope we get the chance to do this year since Jeremy has switched jobs (this is for sure for the best of our family though, and he seems so much happier there)

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