Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Bed

I thought that as babies got older things got easier, this is not the case in our household at the current moment! Presley has never been a fantastic night sleeper, but I must say I am not getting much sleep anymore :( She usually has her last feeding at 9 or 9:30 and goes right to sleep... great most of you would think, but then she wakes up around 12:30 and cries so hard and loud that I have to go downstairs to try and calm her down, by now she should not need to eat at night so I try my best to soothe her back to sleep, sometimes it works but most of the time not. I end up caving in and feeding her to get her to sleep only to have her wake again a few hours later and the cycle continues. So needless to say my new bed has turned into the couch or the floor in her room while she tries to catch some shut-eye in her crib. I am not sure what causes her restless nights therefore I see no light at the end of the tunnel. She has started teething and is cutting 2 teeth on the bottom. So we put baby orajel on her gums to help ease the pain hoping that's what is wrong. Then I wonder if the foods we are introducing are causing gas pains or something so we are going to hold off on that stuff for a few days and see how things go. And last but not least I am trying to get her accustom to not being swaddled anymore, I have tried leaving one arm out and am not sure if this is just TOO much freedom for this little one. I have had many conversations with her letting her know that mommy really needs some sleep but this little stinker thinks that I can run on just a few hours of sleep a night! I sure hope that things get better sometime soon! I told Presley this morning that its a good thing that she is so dang cute and that I love her so! Oh the joys of being a new mommy! (but I know I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world!)

Thankgiving and such

Well this year was our first Thanksgiving with Presley and we had a great one. We were invited to my grandmas house this year and what a sweet grandma she is, Due to Presley's intolerance issues my diet is VERY limited and my grandma did a great job at accommodating it. I was very appreciative of it! The food was as usual fabulous and the company was great, my great aunt was in town to celebrate with us. And I must throw in the fact that she was more interested  and excited to see Jeremy rather than me! I got the first hug from her and mention so and she said it was because Jeremy got a long one! what the heck! :) We then went to Jeremy's parents house for dessert. I made my first homemade apple pie (well almost all the way homemade, the crust we pre-made) and everyone sure enjoyed it! there was no leftovers! I am already planning on making another one or some turnovers for Jeremy and I to enjoy! I missed being able to see both of my parents on this day but we just cant be everywhere at once and they know that we love and appreciate all they do for us! Let me finish off this post with a few things that I am thankful for... I am thankful for the wonderful caring family and friends that are involved with our lives, I am thankful for a wonderfully devoted husband and our absolutely beautifully perfect in every way daughter. I am grateful for the life that we are able to live and the home that keeps us warm and safe. I hope that everyone took a moment on Thanksgiving to reflect on the good fortune that we have here. Most of all I am thankful for our lord and savior, without him we would not be here!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend

We had a very busy holiday weekend! Friday night we were the hosts of an adult halloween costume party, which was pretty crazy! Let me just say that being the sober one among 20 something drunk people does not equal a fun time. Although watching drunk people act like total idiots without even knowing it was entertaining it's not so entertaining to see your house be destructed. Our poor carpet was the victim to drunk dancing, luckily the stains seem to have come out nicely. I am not sure that we will be the hosts of another drunk party again.
   I was told that night that we had officially had a party at our house and that we should be proud of it. Let me rewind just a bit and say that I had a lovely chat with a police officer in my driveway, he told me that they had recieved a few calls about the loud music and people in the backyard. He said if he had to return that I would recieve a ticket, so I went back in the house and told everyone that we had to tone things down.
     It was fun this year to dress-up, Jeremy had chosen to be the Mad Hatter so I decided to follow and be the Queen of Hearts. I did both of our make-up and must say that it turned out very good, everyone was tripping out over my lips.
     Saturday Jeremy paid the price of the previous nights fun, so Presley and I drove down to my dads house for their Halloween party. I finally got to meet Colleen's kids (I know kinda sad since they have been married for 5 years now), we had navajo tacos and then there were games for the kids to play. After there we were on our way to my mom's ward party, we visited for a bit then came home. We had no trick-or-treaters come to our door either :(
     Sunday we had birthday parties for Alyssa and Jordan, and visited with Jeremy's family. All in all it was a great holiday weekend, And Presleys 1st Halloween!
Our Lil Stinker
Mad Hatter & Queen of Hearts