Friday, September 16, 2011

Utah State Fair

  Jeremy and I started going to the fair a few years back, I had volunteered to work a few hours by standing by the Great Clips race car. And Jeremy was nice enough to stand there with me, afterwards we were able to enjoy the fair. We hadnt gone the last 2 years. So we decided to go this year to take Presley to see the animals and of course we had to indulge in ultimate fair food! Strawberry funnel cake and fresh lemonade! yes please!!!

Presley seemed to have alot of fun. We took her into so the pigs, cows, sheep, goats, birds, and rabbits . They had an Emu there they were trying to name too. Jeremy tried to get her to pet a few of the animals and she would give a very cautious pet follwe by a quick pull back of the hand a very persistant "no" head shake. After each pet we made sure to purell her hands, those animal are very dirty!

 They also a a sealion show with 3 sealions. They had them do all sorts of tricks, balancing balls on thier noses and doing handstands on one flipper. they even made a conga line! I think that Jeremy and I enjoyed it more than Presley, she was to busy watching all the other babies and kids around her! We also went and checked out the butter sculpture of the year, this year they did a tribute to prince charles and kate. So silly!
   The fair is always an interesting adventure! you could hang out there all day and just people watch! All in all we had a great family night out. So long summer days! (I am not ready for that dang W word, but I will gladly take a nice long fall!)

Friday, September 2, 2011

its been some time

Well I guess that I really have been slacking when it comes to this blogging thing! I  haven't blogged since July. Our lives are not all that exciting and I just don't think that I am that creative as a writer like others but I try my best =)

Presley is developing such an amazing personality! Here is a list of some of the new things that she is doing and some of her favorite things.

Books- I have always been an avid reader, Jeremy, not so much. But Presley LOVES her books. I try and pick up books for her all the time, we keep them in a tote that grandma made for her. She just loves to go pick them out one by one and bring them to you to look at (and sometimes read to her) she gets your attention by growling at you. I take it that in Presley-nese this means "read to me please!" This is then followed by her taking the book out of your hands and chucking it across the room, next!

Outside- Presley loves to be outside. I try to take her for a walk at least once a week, we go a good distance and she talks, yells and simply kicks back and enjoys the scenery. I love it when I look down and she has both feet up on top of the tray part. She must be comfy that way.

Talking- She sure has lots to say these days. The most popular word is daddy, she even calls me daddy. I have tried to no avail to get her to say mommy and she just insists daddy is the word for all! She does say baby, and thank you And endless amounts of gibberish, case in point the other night I was making dinner. I look down to see what she is doing and she is talking up a storm with my birth control pill case like it is a phone! I love this little girl ♥

Laughing- She has developed quite the laugh the last little while. It is deep and growly like, almost evil. My friend was watching her the other day and said that she couldn't get her to laugh normal. I told her that the laugh she uses is her normal laugh!

lunch/dinner time have been hard around here. She is so particular about what she will eat! She still very much prefers her food not so chunky so we are still using her baby processor. And this kid will NOT have anything to do with milk! cow or pumped! so I am still having to breast feed morning and night. I thought for awhile that I would never want to give it up but I am SO done with it now! We have an appointment with her pedi middle of this month and this is like #1 on my questions list!
 She is a great sleeper, She still takes 2 naps a day. But I think this may be coming to an end soon. I am not sure at what age they go down just once a day, yet another question on the list.

   As for myself I have found a new and exciting way to make some extra money for us. I love to knit and crochet and have taken a new interest in hair accessories. So I decided to open an etsy shop click here I have done pretty well so far. I have also been contacted by a few local photographers who have purchased some of my hats for props. You should check them out here, here, and here. The first one is my moms business, she does great work, if you ever need a photographer I would use her! (I'm not partial/ biased or anything :P)  I love that I am able to share my talent with people and its something that I can do at home while I chill with Presley so it doesn't take time away from her.

here is one of my crochet works on my beautiful Presley!
   Jeremy has been busy getting parts ordered for his truck since her drove it to work one day and a few guys he works with  didn't bother to have him move the truck before they started painting, resulting in white over spray all over it! So my work has become the hub for truck parts....ugh are we done receiving parts anytime soon?!?! :)

  As a family we are doing really great! My sister had her beautiful baby girl Burkleigh a few weeks ago, everything went perfect and mom and baby are doing great, After going to the hospital to see her on my way to GNO, when I got home I told Jeremy "You know how usually if you hold a baby it makes you want another?.... Well not me!" I am perfectly happy with Presley for now. Our good friends just barely had their baby about 5 days ago so we went to the hospital on Sunday and saw them, then on Monday we went over and we held her, when we got home I asked Jeremy if it made him want another one and his reply was just as mine was. "Presley is good for now" We both want more kids, but we feel like things are just perfect how they are right now =)

So there is an update for ya, I hope to get better with my writing skills so I can blog more. Hope that everyone enjoys the last official summer holiday weekend! ( I won't, I have to work)

Friday, July 22, 2011


Today I am feeling very blessed. I was at work today and cutting a girls hair, she had another lady waiting in the waiting room for her holding a little baby boy, for some reason I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye, a little while later I realized that this woman was deaf. It hit me right then that as this sweet baby was babbling that this lady could not hear the wonderful sounds of a babies laugh of even cry for that matter. It seems like there are so many people that take the everyday things for granted. I hear people all the time tell their children to be quiet so they can finish talking or whatever and wonder would they miss that sound if it was suddenly taken away from them??
   I am going to try my hardest to be the best parent that I can be, after all I had a wonderful teacher growing up! I happened to keep some old school notes to friends and going back and reading them I sure made my life sound bad sometimes, but now looking back and trying to remember what was so awful, you know what??? NOTHING comes to mind. I had a wonderful childhood! I
  I never want to say to anyone that MY CHILD will NEVER act/say/do that because there are no guarantees with this parenting duty I have taken, there is no handbook or "parenting for dummies" book. So we are left to figure it out one day at a time. I just hope that Presley always feels the love that we have for her. I also am so blessed to be living in the day that we are.
 Case in point: Presley has her 1 yr shots which included her first MMR shot, they told us to watch for a fever since it was a live vaccination, so for the next few days we watched and nothing... PHEW! Well today I received a call at work from mom telling me that Presley just threw-up her lunch and was running a high fever so I bolted out of work and made an appointment and took her in. Turns out that she is just having some side effects of the MMR. So they gave her some Motrin to help the fever.... Wholly cow, worst experience ever!!! The nurse had me cradle her and she started to give it to her, first off she wouldn't open her mouth for it, she was able to get some in her mouth and Presley would not swallow it, she gave her more and she started to gag on it and then tried to throw it up, her tummy was making weird sounds along with her throat and it freaked me out!!! I guess that the nurse figured that she had got enough down her after all that (seriously it was about a 10 min ordeal) so now we have the joy of giving her medicine for the next few days to keep the fever low and just need to be on the lookout for any developing rash. I am so glad that we have the convenience of modern medicine because heaven knows that I would be a nervous wreck if I had to live back in the day without all the technology and modern conveniences that we are blessed with.

Monday, July 11, 2011

summer fun!

Well it seems that summer is in full swing now and the weather has been downright HOT! This 4th of July we spent it with Jeremy's family and had a nice BBQ followed by a great fireworks show put on by Jeremy, Josh and Josh. Presley got her first try at a sparkler! She loved watching the fireworks go off and kept saying "whats that?" one of her favorite things to say at any and everything, followed by a quick in and out arm movement.
The day before we went to my families property up big cottonwood canyon and had a nice dinner with my dad and Colleen, as well as my grandparents. We went on a nice walk through the area and just enjoyed what our wonderful mountains have to offer, which is amazing beauty. Presley seems like she will for sure take after mom and dad in her love for the outdoors too. It is sure nice to be able to get together with family and enjoy one another's company.

 We also just got back from our first official camping trip as a family. And boy did I underestimate just how much work it was to take a 1 year old camping! Presley is in the works with the whole walking thing so she was either in our arms in her playpen or strapped into her stroller, and by the last day she had had it with all that so I ended up mopping the trailer floor so she could crawl around and play Presley style for awhile.  I do have to say that she did awesome though, we kept her on the same schedule for naps and bedtime so it wouldn't mess up the home routine and she slept pretty good in her playpen every night. She woke a bit earlier and would stand up on her tip toes so she could see us and make sure that we were awake. We also bought her a cute little bike helmet so she could ride the 4-wheeler with us, and she loved it! Thanks to our friends for letting us borrow their baby carrier, what a great thing to use! (see pic above with the 3 of us on the bike)
 Presley got to finish up each night with a bath in the sink. She was such a good little camper! We also went down to upper box creek so the guys could do some fishing. Jeremy caught an itty bitty fish and we showed Presley, She reached out to touch it and I pulled her back (too many germs and nothing to wipe them away with). I felt a little like a bad mom when Presley woke up with pink cheeks and nose and her eyes a bit swollen, I totally spaced putting sunscreen on her one of the days :(  baby skin is super sensitive! Presley got a pretty good look at her first deer just by sitting at camp. Papa went for a walk and the boys decided to try and scare him, instead they ended up scaring a deer out of the trees and it made its way right through our camp!
  Presley is also getting the hang of walking pretty well. She walked the length of our trailer a few times. She also seemed to have a pretty good appetite while camping, but who doesn't?? Oh I almost forgot Mollies story...
  We get to our spot and we are not even there 15 minutes, I look over at Mollie and she had something on her side. I call her over to me and see that her whole one side is covered with COW POOP! She found a mighty fresh pie and thought it was great smelling and rolled in it, So Jeremy and I had to give her a makeshift bath to get the stench off her, stupid dog! The whole time we were there it seemed like 1 of the 5 dogs was eating some cow pies. Malcom ended up throwing up twice, once in the trailer and once in the truck. Again stupid dog!
 It was a great 4 days spent in the outdoors, besides the rainstorm that came through once a day, oh and the hailstorm that came and interrupted Presley's afternoon nap. It was nice to spend some much needed time together as a family. How I love the summer and what we can do with it! I Hope that we are able to do a few more summer activities before it comes to an end.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Presley turns 1

It sure is crazy to think that a full year has gone by and that Presley is now 1! We had a big bash for her first birthday, We had both sides of the families come to celebrate with us. We had a BBQ and Jeremy was the cook (and he did a great job, it was a lot of burgers to cook!) Everything looked and went just as we wanted it to. I had such a fun time making her birthday cake (something I plan on doing each year for sure!) I made her a 3 tier white cake with raspberry filling and decorated with fondant and to top it off I made her pink elephant made of fondant as well to top the cake. It turned out perfect if I may say so myself . 
I also made Presley her own smash cake and she wasn't too sure if it so we stuck her finger in it. after that she loved to grab a big handful of the whipped icing and squish it in her hand, when we tried to get her to taste the frosting or the cake she did her usual stick her tongue out until it falls out of her mouth and off her tongue!
Presley got SPOILED for her birthday from everyone as well. She got lots of clothes and some toys. We decided to get her a water table for outside since she 
a) loves being outside
b) loves the water       
I think her favorite toy was a big purple ball from Nana and Poppi!
We set-up a big inflatable water slide for all the kids to play on and they loved it.
I wanted to make her a onsie as well with a 1 on the front and ruffles on the bum, with my moms help we did it and it was just what I wanted! (thanks mom)
I also spent a good amount of time putting together a sideshow showcasing Presley's 1st year of life. In doing so I have decided that each year I am going to make one of these so we can see that changes and milestones that she reaches throughout her life
Putting together and hosting a birthday party is sure alot of hard work, but is worth every moment and memory it creates. I love to see the smiling happy faces of our nieces and nephews and love being surrounded by loved ones to help create many happy memories for Presley. As a mother I strive each and everyday to give Presley all that she deserves in this life and to help shape her into a beautifully caring and loving person. I hope that up to this point we have done so.

Some of the things that Presley is doing right now are as follows:
1. loves to say "ooohh baby" to everything
2. love to whisper "whats that?" as she points at anything
3. uses Mollie as her personal mountain to climb over and rest on
4. has become a VERY picky eater! bread and fruit are our fail safe!
5. loves to climb the stairs as soon as the gate is left open
6. loves to play in the water and be outside
7. her fav. shows are Olivia, Franklin, and Miss spiders sunny patch friends
8. has not lost her rhythm to music and dances when any music comes on
9. and last but not least, LOVES her MOM and DAD so much ♥
(that's a ditto from mom and dad too)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's been awhile

Where has the time gone? It seems like I have been slacking in the update department to here we go 1 month all in one post. Lets see last post was all about Easter so since then we have celebrated a few things. My birthday was the end of April, we went out to dinner as a little family, the usual meal is ALWAYS Red Lobster, but I wasn't feeling it this year so we ended up at Training Table  (due to the absence of dairy for so long). It was a nice night. Then we had Mothers day which turned out to be quite the rainy day (as if we haven't had enough of this wet stuff!) This was my 1st real mothers day too. I took myself out shopping for a new spring dress, which I have been unable to wear just yet. Then we had Jeremy's birthday to celebrate, he wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner so again our little family went out to eat, we had a nice time. I also made his birthday cake, I was practicing for Presley's cake. I made a white cake with raspberry filling and covered it in fondant. I had to think of some sort of theme or design for it and came up with a green bay packers cake, the colors weren't true green bay colors but hey it was my first time and I think it turned out pretty good for never having working with fondant before. Hopefully Presley's cake will turn out just like I want it too!

don't mind the lumpiness!

I had 2 days off in a row so on Friday I took Presley to the rec center and she had her first encounter with the pool. She loved it! we went with my friend and her 2 little ones. The rec center has an awesome kiddie pool area and Presley was crawling all over the place! She loved being able to make big splashes too. This is for sure something that I want to make sure I do alot with her this summer!

 We also went to one of our favorite car shows this past Saturday (the weather was actually nice for a change) Jeremy went early with his bro and 2 friends and Presley and I went later on with my friend and her little boy. Presley loves to be outside and had fun playing both on the grass and on her blanket. My dad and Colleen came and visited with us for a bit too. After the car show later that night we had a BBQ at my sister-in-laws home so all in all my one Saturday off in a long time was very fun!! oh and in Presley news, pretty sure that she TRIED to take a SIDE STEP! This makes me sad and happy at the same time! She is growing up so fast and I want her to stay little forever. Presley has become a very efficient furniture walker. Case in point below....
she rounded the corner by the lamp to get what she wanted
here she comes with her prize
all that work for my BC pills

    On a side note my mom had to go in for a minor surgery last Thursday, they thought that she had a blockage in her heart and that that's what was causing her chest pain and low heart rate (40) so they went in and checked and all is clear, they now believe that it was her medicine that was doing it so they took her off and will check her in a month to see. I sure hope that that was the problem. My mom has endured so much bad health that she deserves to be healthy for the rest of her life, I love her so much and appreciate that she watches Presley for us while we work, without her we would be in big time trouble! So a BIG THANKS to you mom! we love you so much!

     So for now there is our life for the month, lots of exciting stuff is to come with her birthday right around the corner and all the summer fun that I hope we get the chance to do this year since Jeremy has switched jobs (this is for sure for the best of our family though, and he seems so much happier there)

Monday, April 25, 2011


Yesterday was Easter, this year it was pretty low-key, usually we go from here to there to everywhere to see all the family, but this year my dad's parents were supposed to be gone on a cruise [grandpa Burke's eye injury changed that plan] so there were no plans with that side. My dad and Colleen came over on Saturday to visit and give Presley her Easter gift from them (a cute little spring dress and a lamb) My mom didn't set anything up for Easter either. And Jeremy's family didn't do the usual this year since all her grand kids weren't going to be there.
   So we woke up and I fixed a little Easter breakfast for us, we had orange rolls, eggs, and sausage. Presley has become quite the picky little eater as of lately and is not a fan of eggs currently. She does this silly thing where she will let you put it in her mouth but if she doesn't like it she will continue to stick out her tongue like a dog until it falls off. So the rest of the afternoon we did nothing [well I should say Jeremy did nothing, I on the other hand got busy in the kitchen and prepared 2 weeks of lunch and dinner for Presley.]

       My mom called later and invited us over for dinner, it was yummy! Thanks Mom and Don for having us over, they also got Presley a little gift, they got her a cute summer outfit and a cute peter rabbit cookie with her name on it. After dinner my grandparents came over for strawberry shortcake. Then we went over to Jeremy's parents to have a little Easter egg hunt

Oh I almost forgot, the Easter Bunny came to our house this year! Presley got some good stuff, She loves books and the Easter bunny must have known! She loved how the eggs made noise when she would shake them (money inside) and loved to pull the grass apart all over the house. It was a good weekend! Jeremy had a blast at the dunes, after all that is a yearly tradition for him to go to the dunes Easter weekend with all the crazies! he always comes home beat out from partying it up all night! But I am glad that he has something to look forward to that he loves to do, and it helps keep him out of trouble (at least as far as I know.) So there you go, a quick look at our 1st Easter with Presley.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I just happened to stumble upon a new blog the other day, I was looking at who my followers followed and tada! I have found this blog to be very inspirational, although there is lots of sadness to it, I think that this family has amazing strength! turns out they lost their princess to SIDS when she was only 4 months old :( It has really made me make sure that I spend every chance I can with Presley and to make sure that I tell her throughout each and every day just how much her mommy and daddy love her. Life is a strange and wonderful thing and you never know what will happen.
    Hold your loved ones close and tell them how you feel, you never know what will happen. I had a hard time sleeping last night though because although I have thought about SIDS alot before, after reading her blog somehow it made it more real [crazy since i dont know this person personally] I kept waking up to make sure that I could still hear her breathing through the monitor and when I couldn't I would go in her room to make sure. My heart aches for that family, I wish that no one had to go through putting their baby to rest, it's just NOT fair!

   So I thank this woman for sharing her grief with total strangers and making everyone more aware that things happen that are out of our control, but the one thing we do have control over is making sure that our loved ones know how much they mean to us.
Our beautiful Presley, We Love you SO much!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So I have been going strong with this whole breastfeeding thing and I am loving it! When I went to my first Dr. visit when I got pregnant with Presley one of the questions that was asked was if I was going to formula feed or breastfeed. I told Larsen that I guessed that I would give breastfeeding a try. Never did I think that this would be something that I would become passionate about, I have dabbled with the thought of looking into becoming a lactation consultant as I now know first-hand how challenging it can be (especially with Presley's milk protein intolerance issues) As we are approaching Presley turning 1 I am faced with new challenge of weaning and as much as I thought that I would be excited for this day when I would be done breastfeeding it is now becoming reality and I am no where near ready to start weaning her. I have thought about cutting out her afternoon feeding and replacing it with a bottle even if I am home with her so I would only be breastfeeding morning and night, but I just cant seem to do it. I have so much milk stored in the chest freezer, I'm talking like 300 ounces! that needs to be used [after all it is liquid gold] I didn't pump for nothing! So I guess some decisions will need to made in the next few weeks.
   I can't beleive that here in a few days she will be 10 months old, just a few weeks back I was thinking to myself that Presley has been in this world as long as I had carried her in me, life truely is amazing! She is also becoming more daring and adventurous, she is pulling up on all of the furniture and thinks that she is just so neat! our end tables and coffee table now look bare as she thinks that she needs to touch everything on them so we have had to move it all. Just today she has started to transition from the end table to the couch and back, its so fun to see her learn new things, but makes me sad at the same time. I was reading parents magazine at work yesturday and came upon a quote from Sharon Ozborne it said something to the effect of  " our children are basically on loan to us, its our job to raise them into adulthood, so cherish the time that we have with them while they are little because they are only little for a short while." I loved this thought mentality. I do my best to spend as much time playing and exploring with her each and everyday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well we had a nice few days last week that actually made me feel like we were officially on our way to fabulous spring weather, and of course in Utah fashion I woke up to snow on Sunday morning. Seems to be pretty common every time general conference is going on that weekend inevitably has to be crummy, whats the deal with this???
   I had to snap a few pictures of our backyard, the snow is so beautiful to look at when no one has touched it, the trees looked so neat with all the heavy snow making all the branches sag. Jeremy had to go out and knock the snow off some of them as he was afraid the heaviness of the snow would break the limbs. Now of course every ones poor bulbs that had started to pop up and the flowers that bloomed must be a bit confused with this white stuff.

Easter is late in the month this year which seems so weird to have it at the end of April. I got what I thought was a great idea  a week ago to try my hand at making Presley a crocheted Easter basket. I thought it would be cute if I could make it look like an Easter bunny, the project came out just the way I had envisioned it. I put the finishing touches on it today, I am excited for all the holidays and to be able to teach Presley why we celebrate the holidays we do. I believe it is important for childrenEaster is to know the meaning behind holidays and that they have way more purpose and meaning than just getting "things" I really want Presley to not be selfish or greedy as she grows up. I hope that I will be able to be the mother to her that I know I want to be. I want to instill in her the values and characteristics of a kind, caring, loving woman.
It really is amazing how much life does change after having babies, all the things that seemed so big now mean nothing. I have learned that as moms we become very selfless. My most important job is to make sure that Presley gets all the time and attention that she deserves [they only stay little for a short period of time after all] And I must find time to devote to the amazing husband that I have been blessed to have. I wonder how I managed to not get overwhelmingly bored with so much free time before Presley made her way into our hearts and lives, I ALWAYS have something to do, and if I don't give me about 1 minute and I will think of something that needs to be taken care off. There really is not enough hours in the day to accomplish every thing. So that means sometimes the house is a bit messy, but like I said those things seem not to matter as much as the time I get to spend with this amazing little human being that God has blessed us with. Easter is a great holiday and really shows how amazing life is. I am thankful for the gospel, God, Jesus Christ, and family and friends in my life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Being a mommy

 I have to admit that this whole being a mommy is GREAT! I had to chuckle earlier today, As I was changing Presley's diaper I had to inspect it to see if her poop looked normal or not since we are slowly adding in some dairy products to see if she can handle it. As I was "inspecting" it I thought to myself had someone told me that I would  "inspect" poop I would have laughed at them and said "that's just disgusting!" But here I find myself doing it on a regular basis. Gross, some may say yes, but I realize it just comes with the territory. In sharing this little story I must also say that her poop did look normal. So I believe there is a big YAY! to be had here for the 2 of us.
    Today I have been very busy in the kitchen. I have been making all of Presley's baby food, it's so much healthier for her and I think it's fun and I know what is going into everything that she eats. Today I made peach and mango puree, baked apples with raisins and cinnamon, brown rice risotto, and chicken and apple balls. I have so much more to make in the next few days. I am doing my best to make sure that she gets a taste of all things, since I don't want her to be a picky eater like me! So far she likes everything, with the exception of bananas recently. Oh and the verdict is still out on kiwi. She loves to self feed and make a mess of herself. This is really hard for me as I want to wipe off every crumb or smear as she eats. which most of you know babies are not fond of having their faces wiped every 30 seconds. So I just try and go with it. I am also living the fact that she is eating 3 meals a day and I have been able to cut out 2 nursing sessions! but at the same time it makes me sad knowing that in the near future I will be done nursing  :( (my goal was to nurse until she turns 1) I love the bonding time that we have when she nurses, but I cant see myself nursing too much past the year mark as that seem to awkward to me. So there you go there is a look into my life as a new mommy for now!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

Today is St. Patty's day and as is custom we all put on our green so we didnt get pinched!

I love getting Presley all dolled up! it's one of the fun things about having alittle girl. Jeremy took the day off work to spend time with us since we dont get to see each other alot lately. Today Presley had her 9 month well check and is doing great! she is almost 17 pounds and is in the 17th percentile for weight, is 26 1/2 inches long, 19th percentile for height and her head is 16.6 inches, 40th percentile. Her Pedi said that she looks great. And some really BIG news here! I have been given the go ahead to start trying to introduce dairy into both of our diets! (fingers crossed that this goes over FANTASTIC). After her appointment we went and had lunch with Jeremy's mom at her work, and of coarse to show off our cute little thing!

In other news, I called to talk with my mom today and found out some horrible news. My step brother who is 12 was hit by a truck today on his way to school and was flown to Primary Childrens Hospital in critical condition. He has alot wrong at the moment...Broken arm, broken collar bone, broken pelvis, Broken ribs, fractured three vertebra, liver is 90% damaged, spleen is really messed up and bruised lungs.Hes on a respirator as well and last I talked to my mom he was undergoing a blood transfusion. I hope and pray that he will be alright! to read about the incident click here.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How time flies

Here in 6 days Presley will be 9 months old, I can't believe how fast time goes by after having a baby! She is growing and developing so fast, She is a super fast crawler now and has moved on to pulling herself up on lots of stationary things and some not so stationary things (such as Mollie) She loves to pull up on mom and dad. I think she knows that we are there to help her not fall so she prefers to use us to help her :)
 Yesturday while I was getting things together to take her to grandmas for the day I had her downstairs playing with her toys, I looked down to check on her and guess where the little stinker was??? She was on the first stair! She thought that she was pretty neat stuff to I must say! I love seeing her learn new things but at the same time it makes me a bit sad knowing that she wont be little forever. I just try to enjoy every minute I have with her and take lots of pictures to remember it all.

This pic was taken before she tried crawling up the stairs

This is how I found her awhile later in the morning

Jeremy had Presley in the evening after work since I was working a mid, She found some of her books on the table and knocked them off so she could read them. Below is a picture Jeremy took of her talking to the book and having a great time.
So Sweet!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Since I found out that I was pregnant with Presley I started to follow a board for women due in June 2010, I have continued to follow it so when I have questions about Presley I can see what other mommas think or what their little ones are doing. Recently there is a family that is going through some mega stuff and I cant help but think how lucky we are to have a perfectly healthy child. Baby Kinley had to have brain surgery yesturday because she was suffering from severe seizures, they had to go in and disconnect the whole right side of her brain. Words cannot express how horrible this has to be for this family. My heart breaks for them. If you are as amazed with this familys strength and story as I am you can read her journal about it all here. But she did amazing through the hours long surgery yesturday and hopefully this will make her life so much better. Life is so precious! God has trusted us with his most amazing creation and I will make sure that Presley knows each and every day just how much she is loved by us and that she is perfect to us in every way. I just had to share this amazing story! So I leave you with a recent pic of our familys current fav.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend News

Well this weekend was a great weekend to say it simply. I was fortunate enough to have 2 days off in a row and took full advantage of my time with Presley, I didnt leave the house for 2 days. Friday was a very exciting/sad day. Presley is now on the move!!! I was so happy that I didnt miss the first time that she actually crawled. I had told my mom that if she crawled while she was tending her and I hadn't said anything to her about crawling to not a say a word for fear that I would burst into tears as I had when I missed the first time she rolled over. (silly, I know) Jeremy got home about 10 minutes after her first time and was able to see her as well. She never did the whole army grunt crawl as most babies do she went from rolling all over the palce to crawling, although there was a lot of strength training to get to crawling [picture below]
 It was great to have all day Saturday with Presley as well. Jeremy had hunters safety all day, when he got home I was so stir crazy I wanted to go to dinner, we had a gift certificate to Outback, but he was too tired so I had to make dinner. :(
In other weekend news there is a lot of happiness in this house right now! Anyone who knows Jeremy knows he is a big Greenbay fan and they totally won the Super Bowl! We were invited over to Josh's house for a small get together and of course watch the game. Presley and daddy were so cute in their Greenbay gear (guess mom is the odd one out with no gear to sport) After the big win I just had to snap a few pictures of the 2 of them in their gear to share with everyone.

So there is our weekend in a nutshell.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Call me Mrs. bargain shopper!

If you know anything about me you know I have a really hard time passing up a good bargain, in fact when shopping I will gladly go look at the clearance first to see if there is anything real good for a way better price!
 Case in point...
            Presley has such a hard time keeping socks on her feet, the second that she notices them on her feet it is her ultimate goal to get them off as quickly as possible. So I thought that she needed some shoes, I went looking at Target and found some way cute ones but for 15.00 I thought they werent that cute [they grow out of them too fast for me to justify this price, some may say silly... I say whatever!] So off I went to payless and they were having the BOGO sale going on, right up my alley for sure! I found 2 really cute pair and thought to get one in her size now and one a size up for later. They were both on sale for 9.99 each and the second pair was 50% off, awesome right? well they didnt have one pair in her size so I had them call another location and they had them, they put them on hold for me and I went and exchanged the bigger pair for the correct size and since I had to go to another store for the right size they gave me 3 dollars back for the hassle. So I was able to get 2 pair of shoes for 11.00! I was a very happy girl last night! I sure do love a bargain.

baby girl shoes are too cute!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Eve

Usually New years eve at our house we have friends and family over to play games, chat, eat food, and enjoy one anothers company. This year was no different. The only difference this year was the fact that it was very quiet. Usually there is alcohol involved. But this year we made punch [not spiked either] I guess this means that we are growing up, which is not a bad thing whatsoever. We had our good friends Derek and Randi and their little boy over. Jeremy's brother and his girlfriend and their 4 kids and Jeremy's parents. We played wii and enjoyed the company.
     I have never been one to make a new years resolution so I think that I will stick with tradition and make no such thing this year. I  believe in living life day to day and taking nothing or no one for granted. I will do my best to remain a good wife, mother, friend and boss. So here is to a wonderful and happy New Year to 2011. May it bring everything that you are looking for!

Christmas Day

So obviously I have gotten alittle behind with the holidays and all so I will try and blog a few things. Christmas Day in our house was a great one this year! We were able to sleep in, came downstairs and had a great breakfast [cooked by Jeremy I must say] And we actually had to wake Presley up, this is something I know wont last forever but it sure was great! I had to get a picture of her in her stocking cap that Grandma bought her, she looks like a doll to me
Presley had a great time opening her presents. It was of course all about tearing the bows or paper off just so she could see what it tasted like. Babies are so fun at this age.

Presley with all her goodies from santa and mom and dad

We didnt have to leave the house until 1 o'clock, thats when the traveling began. We had to go to jeremy's Uncle's house to see his grandparents and the like, then it was off to his parents house for a bit, then to my moms house for awhile and last but not least my grandparents house. It sure is hard being the young ones as you feel like you have to try and see everyone but there is just not enough time in the day to see all of our family. We are able to see a good amount and those we dont see on Christmas day we make sure we spend time with them on Christmas Eve. Presley got spoiled which was not a suprise. I really enjoyed the day. And look forward to many more memorable Christmas's with my wonderful family. I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas and took a moment to reflect and feel the spirit of the holiday season. I know that I did!
Christmas Night

Oh and on a wonderful side note i have to say that awhile back I was not sure that there was ever going to be a night that we actually got Presley to sleep in her crib or that we would ever get a full night rest. The best present given to me this christmas was actually from Presley! she slept all night long in her crib. It was a Christmas miracle!