Friday, September 16, 2011

Utah State Fair

  Jeremy and I started going to the fair a few years back, I had volunteered to work a few hours by standing by the Great Clips race car. And Jeremy was nice enough to stand there with me, afterwards we were able to enjoy the fair. We hadnt gone the last 2 years. So we decided to go this year to take Presley to see the animals and of course we had to indulge in ultimate fair food! Strawberry funnel cake and fresh lemonade! yes please!!!

Presley seemed to have alot of fun. We took her into so the pigs, cows, sheep, goats, birds, and rabbits . They had an Emu there they were trying to name too. Jeremy tried to get her to pet a few of the animals and she would give a very cautious pet follwe by a quick pull back of the hand a very persistant "no" head shake. After each pet we made sure to purell her hands, those animal are very dirty!

 They also a a sealion show with 3 sealions. They had them do all sorts of tricks, balancing balls on thier noses and doing handstands on one flipper. they even made a conga line! I think that Jeremy and I enjoyed it more than Presley, she was to busy watching all the other babies and kids around her! We also went and checked out the butter sculpture of the year, this year they did a tribute to prince charles and kate. So silly!
   The fair is always an interesting adventure! you could hang out there all day and just people watch! All in all we had a great family night out. So long summer days! (I am not ready for that dang W word, but I will gladly take a nice long fall!)

Friday, September 2, 2011

its been some time

Well I guess that I really have been slacking when it comes to this blogging thing! I  haven't blogged since July. Our lives are not all that exciting and I just don't think that I am that creative as a writer like others but I try my best =)

Presley is developing such an amazing personality! Here is a list of some of the new things that she is doing and some of her favorite things.

Books- I have always been an avid reader, Jeremy, not so much. But Presley LOVES her books. I try and pick up books for her all the time, we keep them in a tote that grandma made for her. She just loves to go pick them out one by one and bring them to you to look at (and sometimes read to her) she gets your attention by growling at you. I take it that in Presley-nese this means "read to me please!" This is then followed by her taking the book out of your hands and chucking it across the room, next!

Outside- Presley loves to be outside. I try to take her for a walk at least once a week, we go a good distance and she talks, yells and simply kicks back and enjoys the scenery. I love it when I look down and she has both feet up on top of the tray part. She must be comfy that way.

Talking- She sure has lots to say these days. The most popular word is daddy, she even calls me daddy. I have tried to no avail to get her to say mommy and she just insists daddy is the word for all! She does say baby, and thank you And endless amounts of gibberish, case in point the other night I was making dinner. I look down to see what she is doing and she is talking up a storm with my birth control pill case like it is a phone! I love this little girl ♥

Laughing- She has developed quite the laugh the last little while. It is deep and growly like, almost evil. My friend was watching her the other day and said that she couldn't get her to laugh normal. I told her that the laugh she uses is her normal laugh!

lunch/dinner time have been hard around here. She is so particular about what she will eat! She still very much prefers her food not so chunky so we are still using her baby processor. And this kid will NOT have anything to do with milk! cow or pumped! so I am still having to breast feed morning and night. I thought for awhile that I would never want to give it up but I am SO done with it now! We have an appointment with her pedi middle of this month and this is like #1 on my questions list!
 She is a great sleeper, She still takes 2 naps a day. But I think this may be coming to an end soon. I am not sure at what age they go down just once a day, yet another question on the list.

   As for myself I have found a new and exciting way to make some extra money for us. I love to knit and crochet and have taken a new interest in hair accessories. So I decided to open an etsy shop click here I have done pretty well so far. I have also been contacted by a few local photographers who have purchased some of my hats for props. You should check them out here, here, and here. The first one is my moms business, she does great work, if you ever need a photographer I would use her! (I'm not partial/ biased or anything :P)  I love that I am able to share my talent with people and its something that I can do at home while I chill with Presley so it doesn't take time away from her.

here is one of my crochet works on my beautiful Presley!
   Jeremy has been busy getting parts ordered for his truck since her drove it to work one day and a few guys he works with  didn't bother to have him move the truck before they started painting, resulting in white over spray all over it! So my work has become the hub for truck parts....ugh are we done receiving parts anytime soon?!?! :)

  As a family we are doing really great! My sister had her beautiful baby girl Burkleigh a few weeks ago, everything went perfect and mom and baby are doing great, After going to the hospital to see her on my way to GNO, when I got home I told Jeremy "You know how usually if you hold a baby it makes you want another?.... Well not me!" I am perfectly happy with Presley for now. Our good friends just barely had their baby about 5 days ago so we went to the hospital on Sunday and saw them, then on Monday we went over and we held her, when we got home I asked Jeremy if it made him want another one and his reply was just as mine was. "Presley is good for now" We both want more kids, but we feel like things are just perfect how they are right now =)

So there is an update for ya, I hope to get better with my writing skills so I can blog more. Hope that everyone enjoys the last official summer holiday weekend! ( I won't, I have to work)