Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting even craftier

Alright so I must admit I have this disgusting new addiction to Pinterest as mentioned in my previous post. I have pinned a lot of things and spend all together way to much time on this site, it has come at the cost of me having all these "great ideas" for the home. I recently made some blocks with out last name and the year we were married. I had J cut the 2x4 for me into my desired sizes and then painted them black. I added scrapbook paper to them, then used my cricut machine and made my letters using vinyl. Super fun! I am pretty happy with the finished look, I think I just need to sand the edges a bit to give them a distressed look.
2nd project thanks to pinterest is this for valentines day. I can put this one here since J is not the blogging or reading type and so I know he wont see this. I loved this idea and have already started working on my list, it sure is hard to come up with 52 things to put in this. I mean I love J more everyday, but to come up with 52 is a bit of a task to say the least. I am also going to be taking a picture frame and inside there will be a sheet of pretty paper with lettering that will say "I love you because..." and then you use a dry erase marker and write a reason on it. I love it!!!
I am really into making homemade items lately, if only I had more time on my hands to do more! I love that you can personalize it more. Now i just need to figure out what to do for Presley for this valentines day. Sadly enough it lands on a Tuesday and that is my night to close at work so we will have to do our own thing on another night. That's all for this post.
{notice that I posted a lot sooner than usual? GO ME!!!}

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 here we come!

Ok ok I know I have been a little.... well..... lazy when it comes to this whole blogging thing! I know some of you may just check this out here and there to catch the newest pics of Presley (hey and if the hubby and I make it in a shot too) I havent posted on here since September so I am sure that alot has happened and for sure Presley has done some pretty cool and fun stuff in that time.

For Halloween we decided to go with a costume that suits her natural red hair so we picked out Raggedy Ann. She sure looked cute. Thanks to my mom for taking her pictures for us! We carved a pumpkin with her this year too, this is a tradition that I would like to keep with until our kids get too old ;) 

Christmas seemed like it came and went this year. Presley made out pretty well with Santa Claus and all. Santa brought her her very own kitchen set equipped with all the cooking utinsels and food a little girl could ever want (which makes our living room and constant tornado effect of food strung everywhere!) She got new clothes and lots of new toys sure to keep her very busy for a long time coming.
As for J and I...
J is loving his job that he switched to back in may, he seems so much more happy, although I am not a fan of or use to having him work overtime, but the extrra money is helpful to say the least!
I have been keeping very busy the last few months theres no doubt about that! I have been doing really well with my little side business. Now that Christmas is over I have slowed way down which leaves me feeling super unproductive, but has allowed me to take a few moments to get some things done around the house as well as being able to hang out with Presley a bit more which is a win in my book! I have found a new obsession with this website. And Jeremy thinks I am going to re-do the whole house bacuse of this! (ok in my book, just need the cash flow to do it!)
I am not the resolution making type but I have a few things that I want to work on....
1. Being a better General Manager (hopefully I will be able to work more from home!) I need to be more on top of my paperwork and getting it taken care of on time.
2. Taking more pictures of us as a family. (I seem to never be in the pictures) :(
3. TRYING to blog alot more (its a fun way to chronicle our daily lives)
4. and most important! Be THE BEST mom and wife that I can be!

so here is to a wonderful 2012 to everyone!