Friday, July 22, 2011


Today I am feeling very blessed. I was at work today and cutting a girls hair, she had another lady waiting in the waiting room for her holding a little baby boy, for some reason I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye, a little while later I realized that this woman was deaf. It hit me right then that as this sweet baby was babbling that this lady could not hear the wonderful sounds of a babies laugh of even cry for that matter. It seems like there are so many people that take the everyday things for granted. I hear people all the time tell their children to be quiet so they can finish talking or whatever and wonder would they miss that sound if it was suddenly taken away from them??
   I am going to try my hardest to be the best parent that I can be, after all I had a wonderful teacher growing up! I happened to keep some old school notes to friends and going back and reading them I sure made my life sound bad sometimes, but now looking back and trying to remember what was so awful, you know what??? NOTHING comes to mind. I had a wonderful childhood! I
  I never want to say to anyone that MY CHILD will NEVER act/say/do that because there are no guarantees with this parenting duty I have taken, there is no handbook or "parenting for dummies" book. So we are left to figure it out one day at a time. I just hope that Presley always feels the love that we have for her. I also am so blessed to be living in the day that we are.
 Case in point: Presley has her 1 yr shots which included her first MMR shot, they told us to watch for a fever since it was a live vaccination, so for the next few days we watched and nothing... PHEW! Well today I received a call at work from mom telling me that Presley just threw-up her lunch and was running a high fever so I bolted out of work and made an appointment and took her in. Turns out that she is just having some side effects of the MMR. So they gave her some Motrin to help the fever.... Wholly cow, worst experience ever!!! The nurse had me cradle her and she started to give it to her, first off she wouldn't open her mouth for it, she was able to get some in her mouth and Presley would not swallow it, she gave her more and she started to gag on it and then tried to throw it up, her tummy was making weird sounds along with her throat and it freaked me out!!! I guess that the nurse figured that she had got enough down her after all that (seriously it was about a 10 min ordeal) so now we have the joy of giving her medicine for the next few days to keep the fever low and just need to be on the lookout for any developing rash. I am so glad that we have the convenience of modern medicine because heaven knows that I would be a nervous wreck if I had to live back in the day without all the technology and modern conveniences that we are blessed with.

Monday, July 11, 2011

summer fun!

Well it seems that summer is in full swing now and the weather has been downright HOT! This 4th of July we spent it with Jeremy's family and had a nice BBQ followed by a great fireworks show put on by Jeremy, Josh and Josh. Presley got her first try at a sparkler! She loved watching the fireworks go off and kept saying "whats that?" one of her favorite things to say at any and everything, followed by a quick in and out arm movement.
The day before we went to my families property up big cottonwood canyon and had a nice dinner with my dad and Colleen, as well as my grandparents. We went on a nice walk through the area and just enjoyed what our wonderful mountains have to offer, which is amazing beauty. Presley seems like she will for sure take after mom and dad in her love for the outdoors too. It is sure nice to be able to get together with family and enjoy one another's company.

 We also just got back from our first official camping trip as a family. And boy did I underestimate just how much work it was to take a 1 year old camping! Presley is in the works with the whole walking thing so she was either in our arms in her playpen or strapped into her stroller, and by the last day she had had it with all that so I ended up mopping the trailer floor so she could crawl around and play Presley style for awhile.  I do have to say that she did awesome though, we kept her on the same schedule for naps and bedtime so it wouldn't mess up the home routine and she slept pretty good in her playpen every night. She woke a bit earlier and would stand up on her tip toes so she could see us and make sure that we were awake. We also bought her a cute little bike helmet so she could ride the 4-wheeler with us, and she loved it! Thanks to our friends for letting us borrow their baby carrier, what a great thing to use! (see pic above with the 3 of us on the bike)
 Presley got to finish up each night with a bath in the sink. She was such a good little camper! We also went down to upper box creek so the guys could do some fishing. Jeremy caught an itty bitty fish and we showed Presley, She reached out to touch it and I pulled her back (too many germs and nothing to wipe them away with). I felt a little like a bad mom when Presley woke up with pink cheeks and nose and her eyes a bit swollen, I totally spaced putting sunscreen on her one of the days :(  baby skin is super sensitive! Presley got a pretty good look at her first deer just by sitting at camp. Papa went for a walk and the boys decided to try and scare him, instead they ended up scaring a deer out of the trees and it made its way right through our camp!
  Presley is also getting the hang of walking pretty well. She walked the length of our trailer a few times. She also seemed to have a pretty good appetite while camping, but who doesn't?? Oh I almost forgot Mollies story...
  We get to our spot and we are not even there 15 minutes, I look over at Mollie and she had something on her side. I call her over to me and see that her whole one side is covered with COW POOP! She found a mighty fresh pie and thought it was great smelling and rolled in it, So Jeremy and I had to give her a makeshift bath to get the stench off her, stupid dog! The whole time we were there it seemed like 1 of the 5 dogs was eating some cow pies. Malcom ended up throwing up twice, once in the trailer and once in the truck. Again stupid dog!
 It was a great 4 days spent in the outdoors, besides the rainstorm that came through once a day, oh and the hailstorm that came and interrupted Presley's afternoon nap. It was nice to spend some much needed time together as a family. How I love the summer and what we can do with it! I Hope that we are able to do a few more summer activities before it comes to an end.