Sunday, February 26, 2012


Life is pretty good lately, but I am just feeling so blah all the time.
Maybe I am in some sort of funk?

The beginning of February I received the dreaded call... Jury Duty! :(
I kept telling myself that they would not need me. So called that Friday to see if I was to appear on Monday morning, sure enough I was.
I went down and sat in this teeny tiny room filled with about 25ish people. I felt like a sardine. They had us fill out a sheet about ourselves and then had us each a video that i assume wad supposed to get us "excited" to fulfill our civic duties. As we went down into the courtroom I kept silently hoping that they would dismiss me and I could just go to work for the day instead of losing out on my wages. Sure enough I was the first name called tone on the jury after a bunch of group questions. Lunch was on the nice gentlemen juror next to me which was super nice of him. We finished up our deliberations and were excused by just after 3. So now I am off the hook for at least 2 years!
It was a very interesting experience, but I am glad that it only lasted the afternoon.

In other exciting news P has finally decided to say mommy! She has known how to say daddy I have tried to get her to say mom since before she even ever said daddy. It just melts my heart to hear her say mommy.
I took her out in the snow for the first time last Sunday since here in Utah we haven't really had any snow this winter. I got her all bundled up in her snow suit and boots [picture A Christmas Story].

She would not walk on the snow unless I held her hand, wouldn't touch or pickup the snow unless I picked it up first. After 15 minutes she was more than done and wanted to go back in the house. And that was that!

I have also been working on hats here and there, since Christmas is over I haven't really had a lot of orders coming in so it has allowed me to organize all the yarn and patterns and I have made up some cute ones just to see what they actually look like. I made P a beret style hat the other day, and I must say she looks sooo cute in it! I am hoping that I will continue to get orders coming in throughout the summer. I have started sewing, I went out and bought myself a nice sewing machine and have been whipping up some super cute headbands. and I am hoping that those will do well through the spring and summer! I love being able to spread my love for handmade things to others and being able to make a bit of side money never hurts right?!?

I was contacted by a women yesterday through etsy that was inquiring about me donating one of my breast cancer hats to help raise money for research, you can bet that I jumped on that as quick as I could!
I have had 2 people in my life be diagnosed with this horrible disease, My grandmas sister unfortunately lost her battle to breast cancer a few years back, but she fought a valiant fight!
And my Mother-in-law is a survivor of breast cancer!
So this is something that I have a passion for as I see how hard it is not only on the person dealing with it but for the families as well. So in the next few days I am not only going to be making one hat to send out to this lady, but I am going to send 2 or 3 (per J's request) anything to help a wonderful cause!

So there is a quick update of our lives, until next time!

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